Sunday 24 March 2013

Saturday Six 31 - The (very) belated edition

After a week of busy Lib-demmery, and a day mostly avoiding the t'interweb until I had seen the Grand Prix, I'm now kicking back listening to the new BBC radio adaptation of Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere. Anyway, here is my selection of blogs I've liked over the past week.

I don't agree with all of this, but Nick Barlow makes some good points and if we don't fight for liberalism, who will?

This may be just a bit of mischief making, or mark a more general softening in tone from Labour. Either way, it's worth a read over on Labour Uncut

Liberal Conspiracy has some analysis on the Employment figures - and the government's tendency to exaggerate what is a surprisingly good picture.

On the budget, Gareth Epps points out that the elephant in the room is housing shaped...

I disagree with Stephen Tall on Leveson but on this piece from Lib Dem Voice there is little between us.

Finally, another great infographic from Mark Pack.


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