Wednesday 6 April 2011

New ways to view the widow's world

Blogger has introduced a range of new ways to display blogs, which are quite fun. There are a range of five, two of which I've illustrated with screengrabs below.

My favourite, at least for this blog, is Mosaic. Here's a picture of a typical page - and you can see what is generated for you by following this link:

Of course, such a picture-led approach doesn't suit every blog. For Lib Dem Gains, I think this ("Flipcard") is a better look (although I obviously need to post more!):

Click on the links and have a play... you can also use these tools on any blogger blog, so stick in your own or another blog name and see what you get!


1 comment:

Stephen Chapman said...

Very interesting. Its taken blogger a long time to catch up with the presentation of its user's blogs.