Wednesday, 15 August 2012

NOW! That's What I Call A Tune! 45

Back in 2000, when NOW! 45 came out, I was still in my first career in grocery retailing. I was 9st 13lbs, working in Lockerbie, living in Dumfries and was getting desperate to be back in the central belt of Scotland.

Don't get me wrong - Lockerbie is a lovely place but for someone from (in Scottish terms) a reasonably sized town - it was a too small; in a town of c. 5,000 people, everyone knows everyone's business and when you work in the only supermarket in town, that includes you! Still, I have some fond memories of my three years there.

This week's chosen track is Gabrielle with Rise - a track that I had on CD single and which I probably embued with too much meaning at the time: but that's another story and probably not for this blog!



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