Saturday, 15 September 2012

Saturday Six 5

So here are the six posts I've picked for your delectation this week:

First, Caron reports on the belated (but so so very welcome) appointment of Jo Swinson to the post of Equalities Minister. 

The "How Upsetting" blog dissects the meme that did the rounds on Twitter and Facebook on the appointment of Maria Miller to the Cabinet post of Minister for Woman and Equalities. I fear I may have been one of those who unquestionably retweeted such a post.

Gareth Epps and Mark Thompson are among a number of Lib Dem bloggers who think that Tim Farron shouldn't be re-elected as Party President without an election.

For a contrast to my own review of Anna Karenina, here's Raybeard's opinion.

Finally, a graphic take on Lord Coe's epitaph for London 2012, courtesy of Stephen. It truly was a great summer of sport - and a summer to make Britain proud.


1 comment:

Raybeard said...

'Ta' for that plug, Andrew. Mucho appreciated!