Wednesday, 27 June 2012

NOW! That's What I Call A Tune! 38

I've previously posted the Trainspotting posters as Iconic Images of the 1990s... This week's track from NOW! 38 is the PF Project featuring Ewan McGregor's monologue from the film's opening - this is an extended version and features the unedited text:

And, because I like to spoil you, here is the opening scene from the film - complete with John Menzies and the bit where Princes Street miraculously turns into Lothian Street:



Stephen Glenn said...

I thought Princes Street turned into Carlton Road not Lothian Street as that is the old walkway from St. James's Centre to the Car Park when he jumps down.

oneexwidow said...

I was being blond - I meant Leith Street, not sure why I had Lothian in my mind! Yes, it is Carlton Road he jumps onto, which, of course, he could only do from Leith Street not Princes Street as suggested in the film.