My friend Stephen recently posted this animation of Detective Mittens, the Crime-solving Cat. Detective Mittens isn't the only animated cat to wow You Tube audiences, however...
I love Simon's Cat by Simon Tofield. It's a fabulous series of animations by someone who has clearly observed his cat very closely. If you've ever had a cat, you will appreciate how accurate these are!
The latest animation is below, and he now has his own website too! If you've not come across him before, go check him out - he's fabulous!
I love Simon's Cat by Simon Tofield. It's a fabulous series of animations by someone who has clearly observed his cat very closely. If you've ever had a cat, you will appreciate how accurate these are!
The latest animation is below, and he now has his own website too! If you've not come across him before, go check him out - he's fabulous!