Monday 23 May 2011

Virtual Gallery - Mezzanine 2

Displayed on this second Mezzanine level of my Virtual Gallery are three paintings of the featuring Westminster Bridge.

This first is by Monet and features the Thames with the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Bridge in the background.

The Thames below Westminster (1871)

The second is by John Atkinson Grimshaw (1836 - 1893):

Reflection on the Thames, Westminster (1880)

And finally, a picture of the earlier bridge by William Marlow (1740 - 1813):

Westminster Bridge

Visitors to the Gallery can see one of Monet's pictures of the Palace of Westminster in Room 4 and may be interested in William Wordsworth's Upon Westminster Bridge.


1 comment:

acheter des oeuvres d art said...

This looks like an excellent tool I look forward to trying it.

Is it possible / difficult to add a hyperlink to pictures, so that another web page can be loaded in a pop-up window when the picture is clicked?

I am thinking of an interactive / educational application