
Wednesday 21 December 2011

An Orgasm... and a Trailer

First, a definition:

I refer the reader to the second definition above; "a... point of intensity of emotional excitement". It is no exaggeration to say that, using that definition, this video generated such a reaction:

Sod Christmas, roll on the 14th December 2012!



  1. Haven't really been looking forward to this particular film even though I saw and liked the se/pre-quels. This trailer makes it look like it's going to be another visually ravishing production. As in the trilogy, it also looks like a treat for beard aficianodos; though far from sexy (so no orgasms for me, at least!)- and here Martin Freeman really does look like a younger Ian Holm.

  2. You are wishing your life away!

    And your sexual attraction to Hobbits is concerning.

  3. Darn Mr Chapman beat me to that punchline


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