
Thursday 17 November 2011

Use your loaf

If at first you don't succeed...

try, try again:

You can find the recipe I used here. I used around 5g of dried yeast (as opposed to 10g of fresh yeast). On my first attempt my warmed milk was too warm and killed the yeast and consequently the loaf never rose. To circumvent this on the second attempt I dissolved the yeast in a little bit of lukewarm water (half just boiled and half cold) with around 5 g of sugar. Halving thus established that it was active - it produced bubbles/froth - I added the milk mixture to it, ensuring the milk had cooled sufficiently this time.

Other than yeast problems, the process is reasonably straight-forward although messy and lengthy!



  1. Ok the second picture is making me hungry.

  2. Heehee... it's very tasty. And makes great toast too.

  3. Looks like it would be a blooming good toasted bread :-)

  4. Sounds far too complex for us simple-minded souls. Much easier to buy.


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