
Thursday 7 October 2010

And the winner is... A Lanson Boy

Unfortunately my experimental BlogQuiz flopped with the receipt of only one entry!

Alex, whose blog can be read here, gave me five correct answers with a particularly full answer for Question 1... In fact he spotted a flaw in the question and not only gave me the answer I was looking for but corrected my mistaken assumptions! For that, of course, I am eternally livid grateful!

Here are the questions again with Alex's answers:

As well as the Commonwealth Games, athletes from England and which other 3 countries can also complete in the Olympic Games, World Championships and European Championships?  
  • Hmm. Not sure about Q1. Athletes from Scotland, Wales, NI, Jersey, Guernsey etc compete as GB in other competitions. Assuming you do not mean them, Malta and Cyprus send teams to the other competitions listed. Not sure what Gibraltar do - presume their athletes would compete in Olympics as GB?
My answer was, actually, Scotland, Wales and NI. I suppose there was a trick element in that, obviously, they do not compete for those countries at other competiions, but I hadn't thought about the other territories mentioned! I stand corrected.

 What is the "nickname" of the Commonwealth Games?
  • The Friendly Games.
Where will the next games, after Delhi, be held?
  • Glasgow 2014.

Why did the Ryder Cup not go ahead as planned in 2001?
  • Because of the Sept 11th attacks. It was moved to 2002 and has been held in even years since then.

When was the Ryder Cup first contested between Europe and America?
  • GB and Ireland became Europe in 1979.

So it's congratulations to Alex and back to the drawing board for me!



  1. You're very welcome...

    ...sorry for the delay in publishing your comment - I forgot I still had the moderation on!


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