
Saturday 30 April 2011

More than just a number...

While browsing t'interweb (using the magic of Stumble Upon), I came across a website where you can create your own barcode using pieces of personal information. This is mine:

Each barcode is also given a value - from memory mine was $6.24. You can create yours here.

The site is worth having browse around - especially for the supercool barcode clock although the Braille and Sign Language clocks are also cool!



Friday 29 April 2011

Bad Republican

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a confession to make.

I'm a Bad Republican.

Despite the fact that I've never been in favour of the Monarchy, I do love a bit of pomp and circumstance. I'm also happy to acknowledge that the present Queen has fulfilled her duties diligently and to the country's benefit for very many years. I also have a lot of time for the Princess Royal who works hard but not so much in the public eye.

So today, I've been watching - and enjoying - the Royal Wedding and I wish both Prince William and the new Duchess of Cambridge well. It would be churlish to do otherwise or to bang on about Republicanism too much.

As we await the Royal Party on the balcony at Buckingham Palace, there's six words words which are normally heard at weddings which haven't been uttered yet. Here they are, courtesy of Channel 4's "Twist Our Words" application:

The embedded video seems to be temperamental - here's a link instead


Senna: No Fear, No Limits, No Equal

Today's post is a trailer for the forthcoming documentary film "Senna" which promises to be a fantastic portrait of the legend that was Ayrton Senna.

I've been a fan of Formula 1 for years although it is only in recent seasons that I've really got into watching every race. As time goes by I get more and more interested in the details of the cars and the politics of it all - although I have a long way to go to match some people I know!

By contrast, Senna died when I was still relatively new to Formula 1 and while I am obviously aware of his talent, skill and achievements, I'm looking forward to learning more about the man and his life. 
Here's a taster:

There's more on the official website. The film's due out on June 3rd and those that have seen it give it glowing reviews - now, is there any chance my sister will move her wedding so I can go see it?!


Thursday 28 April 2011

Say Yes! to Fairer Votes, Say Yes! to AV

A week today, voters in the UK will be going to polls in only the second ever national referendum, as well elections to the Scottish Parliament, Welsh and Northern Irish Assemblies and local elections in parts of England.

The referendum question is
"Do you want the United Kingdom to adopt the 'alternative vote' system instead of the current 'first past the post' system for electing Members of Parliament to the House of Commons?"
I'll be voting yes, as outlined here. For this post, however, I want to share this video with you. Dan Snow uses a simple analogy to illustrate how it works. And unlike the some of the analogies used by the No campaign, this one actually holds water.

Visit the Yes to Fairer Votes website and make sure you use your vote on May 5th.


Wednesday 27 April 2011

Not an A-Z of my CDs: H

This week's entry is a song from my mum's era which always reminds me of my grandad. It was also a Number 1 hit in 1988 when I was 13 going on 14. 

Originally a number 3 hit (and featuring Elton John on Piano, according to Wikipedia) it was re-released in direct competition with Bill Medley. The latter's version reached number 25 while The Hollies climbed to the top. It is, of course, He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

I can remember it being on the wireless and my Grandad commenting on how much better songs were when you could hear the words properly - unlike modern music. I've often wondered, though, how accommodating he was of my mother's musical tastes at the time!

No need to say "enjoy" - how could you not?!


Tuesday 26 April 2011

Bristol Photos - Part Three

On Friday I went to Ashton Court on the outskirts of Bristol for a walk around the grounds. After a brief break at home, I then went out for a further walk, this time along the North side of the floating harbour from the City Centre to Hotwells, returning along the South bank.

Here are some photos I took along the way:

Trees at Ashton Court

Plaque and Water Supply

The writing translates as "For the health of the soul of Robert of Berkeley, who gave to God and the Church of St. Mary Redcliffe and its ministers the Rugewell and conduit. AD 1190. Erected 1932." - more on this website.

Queens Square
You can see other pictures of Queens Square here.

Water Feature (detail)


Click to see Parts One and Two of this strand.


Hop It!

It may not be as good as many of the previous episodes, but the latest from Simon's Cat is still worth a viewing.



Monday 25 April 2011

Cheddar Gorge

Today I went to Cheddar Gorge and Wells... While in the Gorge, I took some pictures of which these are a few.



No excuses

If you're a regular reader, please accept my apologies for my lack of posting recently.

I offer no excuses, I have no real explanation (other than that I lost momentum while awaiting a new charger for my laptop), and I can only say sorry for the prolonged absence.

I am, however ready to make a comeback and start regular posts again. Immediately after this post, I'll be posting some photos taken at Cheddar Gorge and I have at least one other photographic based post earmarked for the next few days. Other than that, I intend to return to the usual mix of post topics, videos, music and what-not.

So sit back, relax, enjoy... and check back often for new posts - they will be here. I promise!


Sunday 10 April 2011

Not an A-Z of my CDs: G

Having missed posting in this strand over the past couple of weeks, I had decided to post the next two entries yesterday and today.... Unfortunately, I never posted yesterday!

Here, though, I belatedly present my entry for G... Gorillaz with Clint Eastwood. While I wasn't a big fan of this at the time it was released, it's a track that has grown on me over the years and one of those tracks that is part of the collective consciousness of my generation. Enjoy.


Friday 8 April 2011

Walk an Edinburgh Street

At the end of my weekend in Edinburgh, I came across this poem whilst at the airport. Ever the opportunist, I took a picture with a view to posting it, along with an Edinburgh photo from a previous trip.


Thursday 7 April 2011

Pretty Pictures, Scottish Edition

As well as being offline while I replaced the power cable for my lap-top, I was also in Scotland for a long weekend. During my stay I took some photos of which the following is a selection:

Statue of the late Donald Dewar

Glasgow Angel (actual title unknown)

BBC Scotland Headquarters... as it says on the tin.

Edinburgh Castle, National Gallery and Princes Street Gardens East

Belford Bridge over the Water of Leith, Edinburgh
Hope you enjoyed!


P.S. Another Edinburgh related post tomorrow!

When Einstein Met Armstrong

Yesterday Stephen featured a video on his blog which he had made using Intrigued, I visited the site and this is my effort. While the camera angles are not quite what I intended, I'm quite pleased for a first attempt!



Wednesday 6 April 2011

New ways to view the widow's world

Blogger has introduced a range of new ways to display blogs, which are quite fun. There are a range of five, two of which I've illustrated with screengrabs below.

My favourite, at least for this blog, is Mosaic. Here's a picture of a typical page - and you can see what is generated for you by following this link:

Of course, such a picture-led approach doesn't suit every blog. For Lib Dem Gains, I think this ("Flipcard") is a better look (although I obviously need to post more!):

Click on the links and have a play... you can also use these tools on any blogger blog, so stick in your own or another blog name and see what you get!


Tuesday 5 April 2011

5 on the 5th - April

After an enforced break, I now have laptop access again, just in time for this month's 5 on the fifth

This month's theme was "Blur", so here are some that fit that bill:

Scottish Parliament at Dusk



Antony Gormley's Six Times


I hope you liked these... am looking forward to getting back in the blogging saddle!
